Create an order.
The order object isn't documented yet, but you can use the example below as a starting point. Please contact us if you'd like to place orders programmatically, and we'll be happy to work with you to implement it.

Example Request

{ "contents" : [ { "color" : true, "duplex" : false, "file" : "f-13g-wt17", "height" : 11, "landscape" : true, "merge" : [ { "align" : "left", "color" : "#000000", "font" : "f-0ac-wvz4", "page" : 1, "size" : 12, "text" : "Dear {greeting},", "x" : 1, "y" : 9.1 } ], "paper_type" : "p-0gf-e7ye", "type" : "sheet", "width" : 8.5 }, { "color" : false, "cols" : 1, "duplex" : false, "file" : "f-14g-9t2a", "height" : 3.667, "paper_type" : "p-0gf-e7ye", "rows" : 3, "type" : "sheet", "width" : 8.5 }, { "envelope_type" : "e-0e4-qp2v", "height" : 3.875, "outer" : false, "type" : "envelope", "width" : 8.875 }, { "envelope_type" : "e-0e4-qp2v", "height" : 4.125, "logo" : "l-01x-qbeh", "outer" : true, "type" : "envelope", "width" : 9.5 } ], "list" : "l-0jr-f5eh", "type" : "order" }

Successful Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{ "contents" : [ { "color" : true, "duplex" : false, "file" : "f-13g-wt17", "height" : 11, "landscape" : true, "merge" : [ { "align" : "left", "color" : "#000000", "font" : "f-0ac-wvz4", "page" : 1, "size" : 12, "text" : "Dear {greeting},", "x" : 1, "y" : 9.1 } ], "paper_type" : "p-0gf-e7ye", "type" : "sheet", "width" : 8.5 }, { "color" : false, "cols" : 1, "duplex" : false, "file" : "f-14g-9t2a", "height" : 3.667, "paper_type" : "p-0gf-e7ye", "rows" : 3, "type" : "sheet", "width" : 8.5 }, { "envelope_type" : "e-0e4-qp2v", "height" : 3.875, "outer" : false, "type" : "envelope", "width" : 8.875 }, { "envelope_type" : "e-0e4-qp2v", "height" : 4.125, "logo" : "l-01x-qbeh", "outer" : true, "type" : "envelope", "width" : 9.5 } ], "id" : "m-04f-hw3q", "invoice_amount" : 150.75, "rush" : false, "timeline" : { "created" : "2024-07-26T11:34:28", "mailed" : null }, "type" : "order" }

Error Responses

400 orders.account_required
API token must be linked to an account.
400 orders.invalid_data
The specified element had the wrong type (see the expected_type attribute)
400 orders.invalid_id
The specified attribute has an invalid or improperly-formatted ID.
400 orders.invalid_type
The JSON body must be an order object.
400 orders.missing_attribute
A required attribute was missing.
400 orders.unknown_file
The specified file doesn't exist.
400 orders.unknown_font
The requested font was not found.
403 orders.permission_error
You need the orders.write scope to perform this action.